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Trump aides comment on success of US strikes in Iraq, Syria

US officials said Sunday that U.S. air attacks in Iraq and Syria against an Iranian-backed militant group were successful but warned that "additional measures" could be taken in the region to defend American i

Officials said the American army launched air raids in Iraq and Syria against the Hezbollah Armed Brigades Group in response to the death of an American civilian contractor in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base.

Top U.S. national security advisors told President Donald Trump of the attacks at his Mar Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla. American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “We will not tolerate the Islamic Ra
y, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, briefly appeared in a club room to comment on the air attacks.

Iraqi security sources and others from the group said that at least 25 fighters were killed and at least 55 others were injured following three air raids launched by the United States in Iraq on Sunday.

At least four of the group's local leaders were killed and one of the air raids targeted the headquarters of the Hezbollah Brigades near al-Qaim in the western part of the country on the border with Syria, the sources said.
The Pentagon said in a statement that the attack targeted three sites of the Iranian-backed group in Iraq and two in Syria, adding that the sites included weapons storage facilities, command and control sites the group used to plan and carry out attacks on coalition forces.
The United States accused the group of being involved in the attack, which was carried out by more than 30 missiles on Friday, killing an American civilian contractor and wounding four American soldiers and two Iraqi security forces near the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.
Pompeo had accused Iranian-backed factions earlier in December of being involved in a series of attacks on bases in Iraq and warned Iran that any attacks on Tehran or its agents would harm the Americans or their allies "would be met with a decisive American response".


The question that is asked, will the matter stop here or will we enter the cycle of action and reaction, that is, the Syrian and Iraqi lands become a ground for settling the accounts between Iran and America?

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