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Possible reasons for access difficulties when intercourse

Difficulty entering during sexual intercourse can be caused by several reasons:
1. Vaginal dryness. Dehydration can arise from several causes, including vaginal or urinary tract infections. Do you have other symptoms such as exudate? Unpleasant smell of the vagina? Itching? Burning when urinating? If so, I recommend that you refer to the gynecologist for examination and for appropriate treatment. If you do not suffer from these symptoms, I advise you first to try natural lubricants on a water basis.

 2. The vagina's inability to expand. This is mainly psychological and results from the strong contraction of the vaginal muscles, and thus prevents access. The cause of muscle relaxation can be the psychological tension and pressure from the process itself, but it can also be caused by a more complex psychological problem. This treatment can be done by a psychosexual therapist, but it should not be concluded that this is the reason before trying all other options, including lubricants and / or treatment of vaginitis or urinary tract if present.

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