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Twitter is global, an unprecedented crisis between America and France

 A state of tension has prevailed globally recently, following the outbreak of a crisis resulting from the announcement of the signing of the “Aukus” security agreement, under which Australia will obtain technology to build nuclear-powered submarines from the United States and Britain, and enable them to patrol the Indo-Pacific region.

Twitter is global, an unprecedented crisis between America and France

But the crisis was not limited to the three countries involved in the deal, and extended to other countries that saw this deal as targeting or affecting their interests, including France and China.

The agreement infuriated Paris, especially as Australia scrapped a multi-billion dollar 2016 deal to buy conventional submarines from France.

In response to what happened, France canceled a celebration in Washington to commemorate the victory of the French Navy during the war that helped the United States gain its independence. According to CNN.

Events erupted after it decided to withdraw its ambassadors from both America and Australia, in an unprecedented development between the allied countries, to spark a diplomatic crisis and a confrontation between Paris and Washington in international forums.

It is not unusual for ambassadors to be recalled between allies, and it is likely that it is the first time that France has recalled its ambassadors from the United States and Australia.

According to CNN, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian described this Australian behavior as a "betrayal of trust, and a real stab in the back", in reference to the annoyance this move caused to France.

“This is not done between allies,” he added, referring to the two years of negotiations that preceded the deal, and Le Drian himself had played a leading role in these negotiations that began in 2014, and the deal was set to run for 50 years.

The French Foreign Minister also expressed his country's concern about the US government's behavior towards this new agreement, considering that "this harsh and unilateral decision is very similar to what former President Trump was doing."

According to the Associated Press, the deal cancels a contract worth 90 billion Australian dollars (66 billion US dollars) that Australia signed with the French state-owned Naval Group in 2016, to build 12 conventional diesel-electric submarines.

France's ambassador to Australia, Jean-Pierre Thibault, described Australia's abrupt cancellation of the contract in favor of the US deal as a "fatal mistake and a very bad deal with allies," stressing that the arms agreement between Paris and Canberra was supposed to be based on "trust, mutual understanding and honesty."

Australian illustration

The office of Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne issued a statement expressing Australia's regret at the decision to recall the French ambassador, and said that "Australia understands France's deep disappointment with our decision, which was taken in accordance with its clear and stated national security interests." He added that Australia values ​​its relationship with France and looks forward to future engagements together.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he told French President Emmanuel Macron in June that his country was studying whether conventional submarines would meet Australia's strategic security needs in the Indo-Pacific.

Thanks to the agreement, Australia will become the seventh country in the world to use nuclear-powered submarines. The allies will share electronic capabilities, artificial intelligence and other undersea technologies.

China's concern

Morrison stated that "there have been changes in the regional situation," but he did not indicate that Australia was considering a change to nuclear propulsion, nor did he mention China's massive military buildup, which has accelerated in recent years.

On the other hand, the agreement has been widely interpreted as an attempt to counter China's influence in the South China Sea. China accused the three powers participating in the agreement of adopting a "Cold War mentality", and considered that America, Britain and Australia were playing a geopolitical game that undermines peace and stability.

Although submarines do not carry nuclear weapons, China saw this new agreement as a threat to it, especially since the purpose of the deal aims to launch a new alliance to enhance military capabilities to counter the rise of China. According to CNN.

American reaction

For its part, the United States expressed its understanding of France's position and its decision to recall its ambassador to Washington and Canberra over the submarine crisis. Washington hopes to be able to raise its dispute with France "next week" at the United Nations, where the US and French foreign ministers will participate in the annual meeting of the United Nations in New York next week.

According to the Al-Hurra website, US State Department spokesman Ned Price said, "We have been in close contact with our French allies, and we hope to be able to continue our discussion on this issue at a high level in the coming days, including at the United Nations General Assembly next week." .

Price stressed that "France is a vital partner and our oldest ally, and we believe that our relationship is very valuable," promising "cooperation" with Paris "in several files, including in the Indo-Pacific region."

The White House, earlier on Friday, expressed its "regret" for Paris recalling its ambassador to the United States due to the submarine crisis, but said that Washington would work to resolve this diplomatic dispute.

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