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Israel wants to develop trade relations with Morocco

Despite the Kingdom of Morocco's position on the issue of normalization with Israel, Tel Aviv is betting on the year 2020 to strengthen its trade relations with Morocco.

For some time, the Israeli media has been promoting widely the pursuit of the Zionist entity to normalize relations with Morocco and other Arab countries, which are news that is silently matched by Rabat or denied in some periods.

Hebrew newspapers had reported that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, was hoping to accompany Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, on his recent visit to Rabat, but King Mohammed VI objected to this idea strongly. She also spoke of Moroccan officials refusing to discuss a US proposal on normalization.

"Israel Valley", a website specialized in French-Israeli commercial relations, published an analytical article regarding his forecast for the year 2020, in which Dan Katarifas, an official in the Tel Aviv Businessmen Network, said that "the relations between Morocco and Israel have been kept secret, and it is impossible to know the numbers." The real data regarding trade exchanges between the two countries.

The media source indicated that Morocco is located in the fifth rank among Israel's African clients, explaining that the kingdom comes after Egypt, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Uganda and Ghana in economic relations with Israel.

According to the website specialized in economics, the volume of trade exchange between Morocco and Israel amounted to more than four million dollars per month, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, and he noted a slight improvement in trade relations between the two countries.

The same data indicated that Moroccan exports to Israel amounted to $ 30 million in 2018, revealing that imports of products from Israel to Morocco are increasing. The same source continued that "many Moroccan and Israeli companies use very complex commercial channels, which makes it difficult to trace their identity or source."

These transactions between the two countries are not hidden to officials, according to the summaries of the same source, who confirmed that reporting on commercial deals, financial transactions and cooperation programs with government agencies and the private sector is done regularly between the two countries. The data also mentioned the existence of transactions and correspondence between the Israeli banks and their Moroccan counterparts.

The Moroccan government asserts that Morocco has a position on dealing with Israel. Its spokesperson, Hassan Abiaba, confirmed that "there are no commercial relations with Israel."

The Moroccan official added in a previous statement, saying: "This is an official position, and we confirm the absence of any commercial relationship with Israel, and currently Moroccan-Israeli relations are officially cut off at all levels."

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