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Venereal disease causes panic in Britain

 Donovan's disease is a venereal disease that gradually destroys the tissues of the reproductive organs if left untreated. Cases of it are increasing in the United Kingdom, which made doctors sound the alarm. What are the symptoms of the disease and how can it be treated and prevented?

Donovan's disease, also known as ureteral pustular tumor, is a "carnivorous venereal disease" because it causes extensive inflammation that gradually destroys the tissues of the reproductive organs. Then ulcers or blisters form. It can affect both men and women, but it affects men more often and the disease can be transmitted during sex.

justify;">The initial symptom of the disease is the presence of ulcer-like tumors that cause itching in the genital and anal areas, which expand more and can become large.

Tropical disease

Donovan's disease is found primarily in hot countries such as India, Papua New Guinea, and central and northern Australia. But the disease is also spreading in Vietnam and some African countries. It belongs to the sexually transmitted diseases, and is rare in Europe. But now some doctors in Britain are warning of its spread, because the number of infections is increasing there.

The way the disease spreads

Because it is initially painless, it is often not recognized directly. Where the bacteria enter the body, they initially become glowing red or knot-shaped, but then disappear again relatively quickly. Then ulcers develop near these infections. When you touch it, it begins to bleed. It can spread to different parts of the body, but it is mostly found on the genitals.

The incubation period is not specified. It can pass between one to sixteen weeks between the initial infection and the spread of the disease in the body.


Most people who develop the disease are between 30 and 40 years old. For diagnosis, the doctor takes a swab from the affected part of the body or a sample of tissue. If these results do not lead to a clear result, a culture of the sample can be done. The doctor can also determine if it really is Donovan's disease or other diseases with the same symptoms, such as diabetes or syphilis.

Early treatment is important

If the diagnosis is clear, the doctor usually treats the patient with antibiotics. If this happens quickly, the disease can be completely cured. If the disease is in an advanced stage, its consequences can be observed, such as narrowing of the urethra, vagina or anal canal and the development of scars.

In such cases, surgery is the appropriate method to eradicate the disease. The body does not build up an immunity to disease. Therefore, even after infection, a person is not protected from not being exposed to it again.

Preventative measurements

As with all sexually transmitted diseases, the same is true for Donovan's disease. The best protection against transmission during sexual contact is condoms. This is especially recommended when traveling to tropical and subtropical countries, where infectious disease is often endemic.

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