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Foods you should get rid of

 Many of us think that the path to a healthy body and healthy nutrition is tiring and requires great efforts, but the truth is completely different. Simple steps have great effects on our bodies. Here are some of these steps.

  • ketchup

Ketchup has found its way to the refrigerator, especially in families with children. This substance has become necessary when eating fried potatoes. However, ketchup contains a large amount of sugar, up to fifty percent, which is equivalent to two pieces of sugar in every tablespoon of it.

As a reminder, the World Health Organization warns against exceeding fifty grams of sugar per day, and a reasonable rate does not exceed twenty grams per day. So we will exceed the reasonable amount when eating industrial ketchup. In addition, there are many preservatives in this manufactured article.

  • White Rice

You can easily replace white rice with milk. White rice is satiating but not nutritious and does not contain enough fiber and vitamins. The reason for this lies in the way it is prepared, in which it is based on removing its husk, and with it the rice grain loses the resistant starch that nourishes the beneficial bacteria in the intestine and is responsible for the production of fatty acids that improve the health of the colon.

The rice husk also contains enzymes that fight type 2 diabetes, speed up the metabolism and stimulate blood circulation.

All of these factors favor brown rice at the expense of white. It is enough to just change its color, even if white rice is better than brown.

  • Ready salads

There is no longer enough time in our modern lives to prepare food, and for this reason, ready-made food has become a haven for many. And some of us believe that if he buys a ready-made salad, he will be safe from the damages of quick sandwiches. But the truth says something else. Even a bag of salad prepared for preparation is filled with fungi that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they immediately affect the stomach.

As for ready-made salads, their danger is greater, as they are usually rich in artificial sugar that is harmful to the body, in addition to exaggerated amounts of fat and preservatives. Whoever wants to eat the salad must buy it and purify it, it has been prepared as we were accustomed to by our mothers. It is the most appropriate and safe way to eat salad.

  • juices

The fridge is full of juices. Whoever wants to maintain his body fitness and reduce his weight must immediately stop taking ready-made juices. Also, diabetics should leave it. According to experts, each glass of juice contains seven pieces of sugar. Not to mention the food dyes, which are no less dangerous, and many of them contain carcinogens.

The best drink is water, and you can add a mint leaf or lemon to a glass of water, as it is refreshing and healthy at the same time. Also, lemon juice can be eaten sometimes, even if the lemon is full of fiber and healthily more beneficial to the body.

  • Prepared lemonade

On the mention of lemon juice, it is never recommended to buy lemon juice, but to buy natural lemons and squeeze them at home. This not only saves expenses, but also protects the body from bacteria contained in storage containers, whether they are plastic or other. It is also possible to rationalize our need for lemon juice and use only the amount we need, and the rest of the lemon we keep in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks.

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