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The yellow jacket protests lost momentum after McCron's speech

"The yellow jackets" gathered on the famous Avenue des Champs-Elysées in central Paris on the weekend for the fifth time in a row.

The yellow jacket protests lost momentum after a speech

The French authorities will deploy thousands of police in the event of any outbreak of violence or clashes like those witnessed by previous demonstrations.

The Yellow Jackets movement began five weeks ago to protest initially for raising fuel taxes, but it has spread to calls for other demand issues such as education reform.

Police arrested dozens of people on Saturday, but their number remained much lower than last week, when 500 people were arrested.

A seventh person reportedly died on Friday following an incident caused by the closure of roads by demonstrators.

A number of clashes broke out in central Paris on Saturday, where police fired tear gas to disperse crowds trying to make their way through the lines of police officers in charge.

Some shops and commercial stores in the city closed for a full day after protesters challenged the call by the French authorities not to go out and stay at home.

"Last time, we came here for taxes, but this time for institutions - we want more direct democracy," said Jeremy, a 28-year-old demonstrator. "People have to shout to make their voices heard. Audio formats ".
Some demonstrators dressed as Marianne, the symbol of the French Republic

Some museums in Paris are closed, but the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower remain open for visitors.

Lesser protest marches were reported in the cities of Toulouse, Grenoble and Lyon. A group of "yellow jackets" in Calais closed the entrance to the port.

The demonstrations of the "yellow jackets" had a great impact in France, as the French government was forced to submit to its pressure and adjust its economic course.

French President Emmanuel Macaron has responded to the widespread protest movement in French streets by canceling the increase in fuel tax and has promised to raise the minimum wage by 100 euros a month starting in 2019, as well as tax breaks for retirees.

However, it is not yet clear whether he has done enough to defuse popular anger in France.

The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says some in the movement are calling for a halt to the protests following McCron's concessions, but there are still "yellow jackets" among those who believe it is not time to ease their pressure.

The driver died on Friday when his car collided with a truck in the city of Ercoline near the Belgian border. Elements of the "yellow jackets" were seized by the truck.

Six people were killed in incidents linked to the protest movement.

What are McCron's promises to the protesters?

The French president's biggest promise is to raise the minimum wage to some 2.6 million people, according to the French government.

McCron said in principle that the increase in minimum wage levels would be monthly, and it was clear that the government was instead planning to speed up the work on a planned increase as an addition to wages for minimum wage earners, and in this way they would not be subject to a tax deduction from their income.

Other major reductions include:

  •     Cancellation of tax increase for pensioners whose income is less than € 2,000 per month.
  •     Cancellation of the tax on overtime wages.
  •     The tax on last year's bonuses will be abolished and will include 2.3 million workers next week.

But Macaron refused to re-tax the rich, saying it would "weaken us. We need to create more jobs."

Other pension reforms, unemployment compensation as well as public spending would go ahead as scheduled.


Is it possible to say that Macron has been able to absorb the anger of the street, especially yellow jackets and has begun to deal through the number demonstrated today, it is clear that France has been able to overcome the crisis and if it was appropriate and some countries benefited from the crisis of France on the way Almtal Spain, The jackets are proof of protest and the countries of Egypt have seen a ban on selling jackets to avoid any frictions

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