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Will Turkey fall into a quagmire of Syrie

Turkey warns against any "provocative action" after the Syrian army enters Manbaj

Turkey considered that it was not "right" for units to protect the Kurdish people to ask the Syrian army to enter the area of ​​Manbeg to protect them from Turkish threats. This came after Damascus announced the entry of its troops into the city at the request of the Kurdish fighters, which Moscow welcomed.

The people of Manbaj fear a military escalation in the city

The Syrian army announced on Friday (December 28, 2018) the entry of its units into the "Manbaj" area, controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the north of the country, shortly after the Kurdish units called on Damascus to deploy in the region to protect against Turkish threats.

The General Command of the Kurdish People's Protection Units issued a statement today calling on "the Syrian state to send its armed forces to receive their points and protect the area of ​​Manbaj in the north-eastern Aleppo countryside in light of continuing threats from the Turkish state to invade northern Syria."

The army said in a statement read by a military spokesman and quoted by the official Syrian media "in response to the call of parents in the area of ​​Manbj, the General Command of the army and the armed forces announced the entry of units of the Syrian Arab army to Manbj and raising the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic. "The Syrian armed forces guarantee the full security of all Syrian citizens and others in the area," the army said in the statement.

These developments come more than a week after US President Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw his forces in support of Kurdish fighters from Syria after he achieved the goal of "defeating" the organization of the Islamic state.

The Kurdish People's Protection Units did not confirm the entry of Syrian government troops into the city, and it was not clear whether the troops were deployed in the city where US forces were stationed and established a base earlier this year.

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"The deployment of more than 300 members of the government forces and the forces loyal to them on the lines of contact between the areas controlled by the Syrian democratic forces and Turkish forces with the Syrian factions loyal to them," said the director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Rami Abdul Rahman. He said that the government forces "imposed something like a cordon between the two parties on the border of the region of Manbj from the west and north."

The Syrian National Army of the Free Syrian Army, backed by Turkey, announced that it began with Turkish troops crawling along the fighting fronts with the city of Manbaj "declaring its full readiness on the border of the city of Manbeg to begin military actions to liberate the city."

Ankara warns and Moscow welcomes

Ankara hastened to declare that the Kurdish People's Liberation Army (PKK), which is considered a terrorist organization, is not entitled to ask the Syrian army to enter Mnbaj.
The Turkish Defense Ministry said the Kurdish People's Protection Units, "which control the area with the force of arms, have no right or authority to speak for the local population or to invite any party", warning all parties against any "provocative action."

On the other hand, the Kremlin hastened to comment on the Syrian army's entry into Manbaj on the eve of a Turkish delegation's visit to Moscow. "Of course, this is moving towards stabilizing the situation," he said. "According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
"The regime's forces will not enter the city of Manbaj itself, but will be deployed at the lines of contact" with Turkey and the Syrian factions loyal to it, the joint executive vice president of the Executive Council in Manbaj Nora al-Hamed told AFP.

Turkey has stepped up its threats to launch a new military operation against areas under the control of the Syrian democratic forces, starting from the city of Manbj to other areas in the northeast of the country. During the past few days, military reinforcements were sent to the border area with Syria, while Turkish troops entered Syrian territory near the seam lines with the Syrian Democratic Forces in the vicinity of Manbaj. Syrian pro-Ankara factions have also reinforced their presence at the seam lines.

The Syrian National Army of the Free Syrian Army, backed by Turkey, announced that it began with Turkish troops crawling along the fighting fronts with the city of Manbaj "declaring its full readiness on the border of the city of Manbeg to begin military actions to liberate the city."

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