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Dubai Trade is setting records

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, announced that non-oil foreign trade in the Emirate of Dubai had achieved strong growth of 6% in the first nine months of 2019 with a total of 1.02 trillion dirhams, confirming that growth continues in size and value Dubai's foreign trade shows the extent of the capacity of the national economy to continue to develop at an accelerated rate which establishes the beginning in 2020 (the year of its fifty years of preparation) to reach new successive heights in the achievements of the experience of economic and social development in the United Arab Emirates.

 Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: "We have great confidence in the ability of the foreign trade sector to continue growing in the coming periods, as government work teams continue to develop new ones. projects and initiatives to make a leap forward in foreign trade, first and foremost the Dubai Silk Line. " Dubai's role as a regional hub and major hub for the sea, air freight and logistics sector, and supports the emirate's position as a destination and an essential corridor for regional trade and international, as well as other projects that we are currently developing to participate effectively in the progress of e-commerce at regional and global level thanks to the establishment of the first m Clunk virtual commercial, which makes us move forward with confidence and stability towards a new start to our experience in the direction of development to keep pace with the hosting of the Dubai Expo 2020 ”.

 The Crown Prince of Dubai added that this "distinction, achieved by Dubai in the level of development of its foreign trade, enhances its ability to meet the needs of regional and international markets of various types of goods, which the emirate is keen to provide to its trading partners within the most developed global markets."

 The value of Dubai's foreign trade increased by about 966 billion dirhams, as the value of exports grew by 23% to reach 118 billion dirhams, the value of re-exports increased by 4% to 312 billion dirhams, and the value of imports increased by 3% to 589 billion dirhams.

  •  A new jump

Dubai has promoted the rapid growth in its non-oil foreign trade with this new leap in the first nine months of this year, in which it recorded growth in the amount of goods by 22%, reaching a weight of 83 million tons compared to 68 million tons during the same period of 2018, where it recorded the size of Re-exports reached a record jump, achieving a growth rate of 48%, bringing the weight of re-exports goods to 13 million tons, and the volume of exports jumped 47% to reach the weight of exports goods to 14 million tons, while the volume of imports increased 13% to reach the weight of imports goods to 56 million Tons.

 On a quarterly basis, Dubai's non-oil foreign trade in terms of value achieved steady and continuous quarterly gains in 2019, as the third quarter of 2019 recorded the highest trade value this year (343 billion dirhams), an increase of 7% on an annual basis, and the quarter rose The second 2019 increased by 3% (337 billion dirhams), and the first quarter of 2019 increased by 7% (339 billion dirhams) compared to the same period in 2018.

Dubai's foreign trade through the free zones achieved strong growth by 11%, to reach 439 billion dirhams, an increase of 45 billion dirhams, reflecting the role of the free zones as a destination and a major platform for international trade. As for direct trade, it achieved a growth of 2% to reach 574 billion dirhams, an increase of 10 billion dirhams, and the value of customs warehouse trade amounted to about 6 billion dirhams, and the value of land-borne trade amounted to about 169 billion dirhams, achieving a growth of 11%, and the value of the trade transferred By sea, 381 billion dirhams, a growth of 5%, and the value of airborne trade, 469 billion dirhams, a growth of 4%.

  •  Continuous growth

Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Chairman and CEO of Dubai Ports World Group and President of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, said, "Dubai's ability to achieve continuous growth shows in its foreign trade the strength and strength of its economy based on the pioneering accomplishments achieved by the emirate in developing its sectors." Productivity and its free zones while providing the best benefits to investors and global trade. "

The same spokesman added that "Dubai's trade is characterized by its flexibility and ability to explore new opportunities through rapid access to new markets and expanding the volume and value of trade with various global markets, thanks to the great confidence that our regional and international trade enjoys; enabling us to advance quickly in our upcoming projects that we will launch in The year 2020 is the year of its 50th year of preparation for leadership in the development of trade markets across the world, thanks to our rapid progress in using the latest innovations and the best applications of artificial intelligence that change the nature and composition of Dubai's foreign trade during the coming decades.

 Sultan Bin Sulayem said that "the growth in Dubai's external trade shows the extent of the Emirate's success in attracting merchants and investors from all over the world, as a result of the achievements made in developing the infrastructure and continuous progress in developing customs services provided by Dubai Customs to customers; what enabled them to achieve an international achievement New in the field of creativity and innovation represented by the department obtaining the innovation award and achieving it to evaluate approximately 700 evaluation points approved in the European Excellence Award for Quality Management from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) equivalent to a 6-star rating, which constitutes an international recognition of the progress made Dubai Customs access to the global forefront in the field of customs innovation, continuous efforts crowned improve its performance and upgrade its services to provide the best commercial and customs facilities in general and participants in the Expo 2020 in particular. "

Sultan Bin Sulayem pointed out that "the department has developed a smart channel to clear the upcoming shipments to the exhibition during record time for completion and the best quality, and in keeping with this global event and the Expo for Governments 2020, Dubai Customs will organize the fifth global conference for the first certified economic operator program of its kind in the region hosted by Dubai During the period from 10 to 12 March 2020 in cooperation with the World Customs Organization and the Federal Customs Authority. "

The spokesman added that "Dubai Customs launched the" productivity drive "system that was approved by the Executive Council of Dubai to make a fundamental shift in productivity using artificial intelligence. The department also strengthened its efforts to develop its smart services for customers, and the percentage of smart transactions is continuously raised by shifting all procedures And the operations to advanced services provided through smart applications, and within these applications, a “smart dock system” was launched, which facilitates the docking of commercial ships at Dubai Creek to unload and load goods and complete all customs procedures at record speed.

The Chairman and CEO of Dubai Ports World Group pointed out that "the strategy for developing customs services resulted in Dubai Customs obtaining a happiness rate of 98% for these services according to the Dubai Smart Index, which reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided."

  •  partners

China topped the center of the first partner among Dubai’s global trading partners, with Dubai’s trade value with China reaching about 109 billion dirhams, achieving a growth of 6%, which reflects the progress of Dubai’s progress in its international role as a regional and global center for trade with China that enhances the success of the project. Belt and Road "to link it to global markets, and India came in the second trading partner center, where the value of Dubai trade with it reached about 100 billion dirhams, with a growth of 16%. The United States of America occupied the center of the third trading partner, and the value of trade with it amounted to about 57 billion dirhams, then Switzerland in the center of the fourth trading partner and the value of trade with it reached 47 billion dirhams, then Saudi Arabia in the center of the first trading partner in the Gulf, Arab and fifth globally, and the value of trade with the Kingdom About 42 billion dirhams.

Gold was the forefront of commodities in Dubai's foreign trade, as the value of the emirate’s trade in gold reached 129 billion dirhams, with a growth of 17%. Dubai has also established its leadership role in the global markets for smart communications technology, where the value of Dubai's trade in phones reached 119 billion dirhams, with a growth of 7%, followed by jewelry with a value of 85 billion dirhams, while the value of trade in oil oils reached 68 billion dirhams and the value of trade in diamonds 63 billion dirhams, bringing the total value Gold, jewelery and diamonds trade is about 276 billion dirhams, a growth of 7%.

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