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#Space tourism is a promising sector#

Kitty Maisonruge waited 15 years for her wish to take a trip to outer space.

In 2005, Mizunrog, 61, a professor at the School of Business, signed a payment of $ 250,000 for a five-minute zero-gravity trip outside the Earth's atmosphere.

Virgin Galactic, which sold the ticket, says it will finally start its flights this year, and the company’s first founder, Sir Richard Branson, will be on board the flight.

If all goes well, Virgin Galactic will be the first private company to bring tourists into space.

The company says 600 people have already bought tickets for the trip, including celebrities like Justin Bieber and Leonardo DiCaprio.

However, the scene includes competing companies, as the company "Blue Orgin", which was launched by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, also recorded a number of travelers for flights that it hopes will start this year, while "SpaceX", which was founded by Elion Musk, founder of Tesla Company, In 2019, a Japanese billionaire will be the first traveler on its moon trip.

In 2019, the Swiss bank UBS released a report estimating the size of the space tourism sector at $ 3 billion over the next ten years.

As for Virgin Galactic, it helped its clients, such as Mizonrog, prove that there is a demand to organize private spaceflight, even if the ticket costs a quarter of a million dollars.

"In order to be able to include expensive products like spaceflight in the market list, it should have high advantages," says Julia Hunter, senior vice president of Virgin Galactic and in charge of the special spaceflight regulation program.

Mizunrog's love of space began early, and she still vividly remembers the moment in July 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first two people to walk on the moon.

When Maisonrog learned that Virgin Galactic was making an offer to organize spaceflight for ordinary travelers, she immediately rushed up for registration.

Since Maisonrog bought her ticket, she has kept her plans secret, and has shared them only with family, close friends and company "founders", a group of company ticket holders.

In November 2019, a group of them got their first opportunity to determine the sizes of the space jackets, designed by the Under Armor sportswear brand, which they will wear during their voyage into space.

"For me, it was almost like realizing it was going to happen soon. When you wait 15 years and when you dream of achieving something for a long time, questions come to you as to whether it will happen," says Meisonrog.

In contrast to the legendary Apollo mission astronauts, who have spent months carrying out rigorous training and arduous physical work, Maisonrog and her fellow tourists will only spend three days training on their spaceflight.

Virgin Galactic says the time may be shorter, but the company wants travelers to "get the most out" of their experience.

Also, with the early travelers, Mizonruj got an early opportunity to visit the Virgin Galactic travel hall at Space Port America, in the desert of New Mexico, as the company designed a hall equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows to see the launches, as well as a corridor Interactive and the possibility of preparing coffee.

From here, Virgin Galactic tourists will board aboard the space ships on a 90-minute round trip with only a few minutes in low orbit, it is a richer experience compared to the experiences of professional astronauts.

Dan Hicks, who runs Spaceport America airport in New Mexico, says Virgin Galactic is a leader in this new type of travel, and the facility will one day be a "comprehensive transportation hub for the space sector".

A quarter of a million dollars may seem like a hefty price for a tourist trip, but Virgin Galactic says it expects demand for spaceflight to outstrip supply in the near term, which could cause ticket prices to rise.

Seven citizens already paid millions of dollars in travel tickets to go to space aboard the Soyuz spacecraft in 2001, making them the first tourists in space.

NASA has also relied on Suez spacecraft to transport American astronauts to the International Space Station, since it ended the space shuttle program in 2011, paying nearly $ 86 million per flight.

For official pioneers and tourists, space trips are part of a potential private space sector, and the value of the travel sector from a region to a region outside the Earth’s orbit may reach $ 20 billion by 2030, according to the Swiss bank “UPS”, by leaving the planet’s orbit it becomes Excursions around the world are much faster.

SpaceX has already released marketing material for a 40-minute trip from New York City to Shanghai, using its spaceflight technology.

This means that many of us will have a chance to experience space travel, at least for a short time.

The space travel sector has not only attracted the attention of billionaire businessmen like Sir Richard and Jeff Bezos, but also the interest of investors on Wall Street, and Virgin Galactic became the first space flight company to list on the stock market in October 2019.

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