The first case of death from HIV infection outside China

The Philippines confirmed the death of a person infected with the Corona virus, becoming the first death from the virus outside China.

The World Health Organization said the death of a 44-year-old Chinese patient from Wuhan, Hubei Province, where the virus first appeared.

The organization added that the man was infected with the virus before arriving in the Philippines from his country, and that he stopped during his trip in Hong Kong.

The tests confirmed the injury of a woman who was accompanying him during the flight.

This comes hours after the health authorities in China announced the increase in the number of deaths inside the country as a result of infection with the deadly virus to more than 300 deaths in addition to about 15 thousand cases.

Meanwhile, several countries have closed their borders to people from China, and have started taking health measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

The United States and Australia said they were preventing entry to any foreigners who visited China in December.

Other countries, Russia, Japan, Pakistan and Italy, imposed travel restrictions to and from China.

However, the directives of officials in international health agencies were otherwise.

"The restrictions on travel have more negative repercussions than positive, because they hinder the exchange of information and the delivery of health equipment, and harm the economy," said the WHO director.

The organization advised health monitoring at airports and crossings, warning that preventing the entry of travelers may increase the speed of the disease outbreak by resorting to informal crossings.

China criticized the travel restrictions, accusing the concerned governments of violating the directives of international organizations.

Soon after the United States announced its measures, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman commented on the US position that it was "not out of good faith."

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