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 The lesson was not learned. This Friday, the Dutch authorities announced that they had seized more than 520 kg of cocaine in the freighter "Trudy" in the port of Rotterdam. This ship was known to the French police.

Indeed, on October 1, Olivier Dussopt, Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts announced that 1.1 tonnes of drugs had been found in this cargo ship. 19 crew members were then indicted as part of an initial investigation, and fifteen had been imprisoned.

Trudy had left Brazil, and was going to Antwerp (Belgium), after having made a stopover in Spain. Suspected by the authorities, it had been diverted to Dunkirk for an inspection. The affair had also taken a particularly dangerous turn, since a commando had taken part of the crew hostage during the night of October 10 to 11, while the ship was boarded. A police source assured that their goal was probably to "recover drugs and money".

An investigation was opened by the National Jurisdiction against Organized Crime (Junalco), located in Paris. The seizure of Rotterdam is part of the investigations, while the members of the commando have not yet been found. According to the authorities, the discovery of 1.1 tonnes would correspond to a value of around 80 million euros. It remains to be seen if a new twist will mark this story worthy of a film scenario.

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