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Customs Agreement between the United States and the European Union

 US President Joe Biden stressed that the United States and the European Union have faced global challenges in the past few months, at a joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, at the conclusion of the G-20 summit in Rome.

"We will continue to promote democracy that faces problems and requires creative solutions from the United States and Europe," Biden said.

In turn, von der Leyen revealed that it was agreed with the United States to suspend tariffs on steel and aluminum.

On the other hand, Agence France-Presse quoted three sources familiar with the G20 summit negotiations, saying that the leaders agreed to exceed the climate goal agreed upon at the 2015 Paris summit, which stipulates limiting warming to less than two degrees Celsius, and set it at 1.5 degrees.

According to the draft statement, the G20 will stop financing new coal plants internationally by the end of 2021.

In turn, diplomatic sources accompanying the discussions of the Group of Twenty stated that the hours last night were long and difficult among the delegations participating in the summit, but in the end, it seems that the final statement will carry declarations and decisions, and that there is hope for recording understandings on the climate and green environment, according to Al-Hurra correspondent.

It was agreed first to work on reducing the Earth's temperature by one and a half degrees, and to approve an amount of one hundred billion dollars to finance climate change under the name "Mid-Century Environment", i.e. by the year 2050, to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions.

The issue of the use of fossil coal, which is used by China and many emerging countries in their industries, is still a subject of debate until now.

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