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Do you like to have a flat stomach

 To have a flat stomach, there is no secret: you need to exercise regularly and be careful about what you put on your plate. Here are 5 foods to eat to slim your abdomen and prevent bloating.


To achieve this goal, avoid so-called "aerated" products, such as soft drinks or bread crumbs, which tend to swell the belly, and opt for foods that facilitate digestion, low in calories, and diuretic virtues, such as cucumber. Rich in water, this vegetable cleanses the body of toxins and contains a large amount of silicon and sulfur, two nutrients that help burn fat, especially those that accumulate in the abdominal area.


On the list of foods to favor, also appears the chili, and more precisely the cayenne pepper. And for good reason, this spice contains capsaicin, an enzyme contained mainly in the seeds, which has slimming properties. In addition to having an appetite suppressant effect, it stimulates the production of norepinephrine and adrenaline, hormones that burn fat. It is also a low glycemic index food which is a source of antioxidants. So, to keep a flat stomach, you don't hesitate to spice up your dishes.


Another slimming ally: mango. This tropical fruit is very low in calories and particularly rich in beta-carotene, a nutrient that helps reduce belly fat. On the other hand, mango contains an enzyme that improves digestion and helps prevent constipation problems. And who says good digestion and elimination, also says thin waist. In the fruit department, we can also mention the banana. In addition to being very filling, it is high in potassium, and helps reduce water retention, which can cause swelling and cellulite around the stomach.


Rich in potassium and fructose, the artichoke is a real slimming asset. It is one of the most diuretic vegetables. It helps deflate small cans by flushing out toxins and excess water in the body. Like asparagus, the artichoke also contains a large amount of fiber, which will facilitate intestinal transit, and therefore maintain a flatter stomach.

  •  Lean fish

Finally, it is recommended to consume lean fish, such as pike, cod, hake, sea bream, swordfish, dab, monkfish, cod, or even whiting. All of them are full of protein, which helps preserve muscle mass while losing fat, and contain little fat. They have a caloric intake that does not exceed 100 calories per 100 grams, provided however that they are cooked without fat, by opting for steam cooking.

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