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 Quality of air, water, flat ground, clubs ... A study carried out by the equipment manufacturer Puma has listed the best cities in Europe for running. In all, 75 cities were noted, to arrive at an overall ranking.


Among all the indicators used, the city of Bruges, in Belgium, arrived three times in the top 5. Enough to propel it to the top of the most pleasant cities for jogging. It is thus the city where there is the least traffic jams among those listed, the fourth the flatest and the third with the most greenery and parks. In this last category, only Leipzig and Swansea do better. However, these two cities are missing from the top 10, proof that you have to be complete to get to the top.


Like Bruges, Utrecht draws its strength from its relatively neutral drop in elevation as well as from the few traffic jams (3rd). On the other hand, it is distinguished by the strong establishment of running clubs and associations (5th). Not enough to grab the top spot though.


The first French city in this top 10. Nantes is indeed, according to the study, the best-off in Europe in terms of temperature. According to the publication, calories are best spent when the mercury is 12.5 ° C on average. Note that France is overall the best country at this level, since Lyon and Paris complete the podium.


If Belgium is known as "the flat country", it is the Netherlands that stand out in this area. Indeed, on the podium of the flattest cities in Europe, we find in order Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The first mentioned makes it its main strength, which made it climb to 4th place in this ranking.


In 5th position, Rennes is the last French city to appear in the European top 10. With its ideal temperature, like the rest of France, it is well ahead of Paris (24th), Toulouse (25th), Strasbourg (30th), Lyon, (35th), Nice (38th) and Marseille (53rd) in the general classification .


If the United Kingdom sees its first city arriving only 6th in the ranking, it has three others in the top 10. And it is the London capital which is doing the best, in particular because of its astronomical number of clubs. and associations dedicated to running.


Like its Dutch neighbors, Rotterdam stands out in this ranking by its flat surface. Thanks to this specificity, it finds itself 7th in the general classification, the last city of the Netherlands in the top 10.


The Scottish city has a particularity in this general classification. Indeed, it is not present in the top 5 of any indicator. Often placed, but never the best, the city managed to climb to eighth place in this ranking.


Like London, the city of Leeds, which has a population of around 800,000, draws its strength from its associations focused on running. She is thus second in the standings, and comes just in the top 10.


A city mainly known around the world for football. But this time, it is for the running that it stands out. Fourth European city with the most clubs and associations, it finishes the top 10 of this study.

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