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Peaceful sleep tips for your child

 Children waking up frequently at night causes some mothers to worry, as many of them believe that children's lack of sleep affects their development. How can this problem be overcome and help children sleep peacefully and peacefully?

Newborns sleep regularly after two months, as their sleep rate increases at night, which helps parents restore their ability to sleep quietly, so that the cycle of repeated awakening returns to some children at night in the sixth month and continues until the child reaches his second year. This phenomenon worries some mothers, but German pediatrician Andrea Schmeltz sees this as a natural thing. The child at this age increases his ability to move and learns a lot, as he discovers new things daily and is processed in the brain at night, which prompts the child to wake up frequently.

The German website "Wesen Eltern" concerned with family affairs reviewed a set of tips that can help children sleep peacefully.

1. Avoid putting the child to bed before seven o'clock in the evening, as the number of hours of sleep for children does not exceed 11 hours continuously.

2. Try to delay the date of eating milk until the early morning hours, as some children are accustomed to eating breakfast early, which makes them feel hungry and prompts them to wake up.

3. Stay away from naps. If your child is taking their first naps early, you can help them sleep longer in the morning instead of waking up for several hours between early and nap time.

4. Stay calm in the morning, especially when you need to go out early. In the early morning hours, sleep is not deep and the least noise that prompts the child to wake up.

5. When the child needs a long time to be able to sleep at night, you should not wake him up early, and try to delay all sleep schedules during the day, which makes him tired and pushes him to sleep at night.

6. Try to make your child's last few naps early and at least four hours before bedtime.

7. When the child stays awake for long periods of time in bed at night, try to put him in bed shortly before he sleeps and wake him up at the usual time, so as not to compensate for the lack of sleep in the daytime hours.

8. If your child does not sleep continuously and wakes up almost every hour, you should reduce the time your child spends in bed at night, and limit it to the actual hours of sleep.

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