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"Capitol" .. Prosecution requests a prison sentence of "Dhul-Qarnayn" 4 years

 The Federal Prosecutor in the United States requested, on Wednesday, a 51-month prison sentence for Jacob Chansley, the "man with the two horns" whose image spread around the world on January 6, when he stormed with his bare chest and hat fitted with the horns of the Capitol with a group of supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Chansley, also nicknamed "Shaman Keo Anon", the movement to which he belongs and believes in conspiracy theories, was arrested days after the storming of the Capitol and charged with up to 20 years in prison.

In early September, the accused pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington to two counts of unlawful trespassing and violent conduct.

On Wednesday, his defense attorney cited his client's feeling of "sincere remorse", his suffering from psychological problems, and his spending 317 days in detention to ask the court to "lease" his client and impose a "much lighter" sentence.

On January 6, an angry mob of supporters of the outgoing Republican President, Donald Trump, stormed the Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying the victory of his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, in the presidential election.

Chansley, in his thirties, from Phoenix, Arizona, participated in the attack, armed with a spear on which the US flag was wrapped, which he also painted on his face, while leaving his chest bare except for the tattoos covering him and wearing a fur hat, with two buffalo horns emerging from it.

Scott Ferlamb of New Jersey, who participated in the congressional raid, was sentenced Wednesday to 41 months in prison for participating in the attack and assaulting a policeman, in the harshest sentence yet issued against one of the 660 defendants in participating in the attack.

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