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Five simple tips to stay active

Five simple tips to stay active

 black or green tea

Instead of coffee, black or green tea can make us feel energized, as it also contains caffeine, which gives us a stimulating effect and helps us overcome a sharp decline in performance. By the way, yerba mate has a similar effect, which is a drink made from dried tea leaves and is popular in South American countries.

  • Reduce room temperature

Many people may know this in everyday life: the comforting heat makes our bodies feel tired and promotes tiredness. So make sure to avoid overheating your home or office. The ideal room temperature is between 20 and 23 degrees Celsius. In the bedroom, it should be a little cooler. It is also important to maintain regular ventilation, as the coolness of the air revitalizes the body and makes one more alert.

  • outdoor tour

Lunch of all kinds is as heavy as lead in the stomach when the body is busy with digestion. Therefore, it is advised not to sit at the office and continue to work immediately after lunch to avoid feeling tired. It is best to take a short tour in the fresh air immediately after it, as only a few minutes help to stimulate blood circulation, purify the mind and enjoy the body with natural light.

  • Avoid sugars

When we are tired, many of us turn to sweet snacks, chocolate and fast food. Although sugar already provides energy for the body, but unfortunately for a short time a drop. Once digested, the body needs regeneration. That is why you should focus on healthy snacks such as fruits. It provides energy and makes us feel full because of the fiber in it.

Music is a source of happiness


You should always store your favorite songs on your smartphone. And when you feel tired, put on your headphones and press "play", music stimulates the senses and prompts the body to release hormones of happiness, which helps us reduce acute episodes of fatigue.

cold water stream

Sebastian Kneipp is the German monk who invented the cold water basin named after him to increase the stimulation of blood circulation and increase the heartbeat. And if you do not find this basin, it is sufficient to put your hands up to the wrists under a stream of cold water for a short period of time in the sink will give a similar effect.

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