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Saudi Arabia begins to build the city "The Line"

 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began a project to build a futuristic city, hosting its first residents in 2024, as it began leveling the land and digging tunnels through the mountains.

The CEO of the NEOM city project, Nazmi Al-Nasr, said that employees are still developing master plans, as well as a "establishment law" for the city of NEOM, noting that they "have already started early infrastructure work in its main icon."

He added, "It will be a 170-kilometre car-free city called (The Line), which could start welcoming residents and tourists, as early as the first quarter of 2024," according to Bloomberg.

Al-Nasr said: "It is a huge project," adding: "Today, if you go to NEOM, you will see construction work everywhere, and you will see excavation work taking place everywhere, and you will see areas being developed."

He pointed out that NEOM faced some challenges at the beginning, as the employees worked on designing a city, and the problems were particularly represented by the technologies that the city aims to create and create, which do not yet exist in the world.

Al-Nasr said more than 1,500 NEOM employees work and live on the site.

He explained that one of the next steps might be to approve the special regulations that will govern NEOM as a "free zone", with different laws than the rest of the kingdom. He revealed that this could be completed in the first quarter of next year.

And last week, it unveiled the first of several NEOM subsidiaries dedicated to technology, headed by US CEO Joseph Bradley, who previously held leadership positions at Cisco and Aptac.

Bradley said the project is at the forefront of artificial intelligence and "cognitive solutions" and is looking for new ways to solve the "data privacy paradox", as the city deals with a huge amount of data from residents and visitors.

He added, "NEOM is in Saudi Arabia. But make no mistake, it is for the sake of the world. Our goal is to export technology abroad."

The Saudi Crown Prince and Chairman of the Board of Directors of "NEOM", Prince Mohammed bin Salman, announced last January the launch of the "The Line" city project in NEOM, which he said "is an unparalleled model for the development of future cities in harmony with nature."

This city represents an innovative urban environment whose societies are managed entirely based on artificial intelligence technologies, providing a living based on a balance between a business environment that incubates innovation and an exceptional quality of life.

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