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French Interior calls on the police to moderate

Interior Minister Christophe Castanet called on the police to be moderate in their dealings with protesters, in light of accusations by the police of the use of violence.

Castane told an association of citizens on internal security in Paris today, Saturday, that the use of violence must be disciplined and proportionate to the situation, even when the police and the gendarmerie are subjected to insults and abuse.

The minister added that the French and the security forces should be able to trust each other.

The French police were subjected to repeated criticism for being repeatedly accused of violent behavior against demonstrators during protests by "yellow vests".

The latest charges were brought against the police of violent behavior against demonstrators in the protests that took place the day before yesterday, against the reform of pension systems, and a video showed a French policeman pointing a rubber bullet to a protester from a very close distance.

The public prosecutor started an investigation into the incident, and the police responded that they used force only with violent demonstrators.

The death of an electric bike driver also sparked a debate in France about police violence, as the man who was working to deliver goods on his bike near the Eiffel Tower when the police stopped him for inspection, and a video circulated on the Internet, showed how the police pushed the head of the family to the ground where he was then transferred to the hospital , Where he breathed his last few days after the incident.

The result of the autopsy showed that the man had died of a broken neck, and the public prosecutor had begun an investigation into the incident, which he had classified as a mistake.

The police responded that the man was talking on the mobile phone while he was driving the electric bike and so he was arrested, and added that his behavior was then aggressive, which the police had to arrest, but he resisted the authorities and had a heart attack in the meantime.

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