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What is the threat Italy faces

Italian President Sergio Mattarella said on Tuesday that his country's future is threatened by a low birth rate, after new data showed that the population had shrunk again in 2019.

One of the reasons for the chronic stagnation of the chronic stagnant economy while the situation is getting worse, is the growing population crisis in Italy due to the decline in the number of births and the increase in life expectancy.

The National Statistics Agency reported that the number of births reached 435,000 last year, down 5,000 from 2018, which is the lowest level recorded in Italy. The total number of deaths reached 647,000 in 2019, an increase of about 14,000 over the previous year.

"This is a problem related to the existence of our country itself ... the fabric of our country is weakening and everything must be done to counter this phenomenon," Mattarella said shortly after the publication of these statements.

"As an old person, I am well aware of the low birth rate," Matarela, 78, added.

The total population of Italy decreased by 116 thousand to 60.3 million, with a steady increase in the number of immigrants and births among immigrants, which helped compensate for the low local birth rate.

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