Benefits of red beet juice

 A study revealed that drinking a glass of red beet juice a day promotes the formation of bacteria in the mouth that leads to better work of blood vessels and the brain, and reduces the formation of bacteria related to diseases and infections.

A study from the British University of Exeter showed that drinking a glass of red beet juice daily for people between the ages of 70 and 80 increases the fitness of blood vessels and enhances brain cognitive functions. The study, which was published in the specialized scientific journal Redox Biology in the English language, stated that the juice reduces the appearance of bacteria in the mouth, which in turn leads to diseases and infections. The conclusion of the study was carried by the German health website Heilpraxis.

Red beetroot, spinach, and salad are rich in nitrates. The researchers concluded that many bacteria in the mouth play a role in converting these nitrates into nitric oxide, which helps regulate blood vessel function and nerve transmission. Older people usually suffer from decreased nitric oxide production.

The researchers also showed that consuming a glass of juice every day leads to a reduction in the formation of oral bacteria, which are linked to diseases and infections. On top of that, systolic blood pressure decreases.

University Professor Annie Vanhatalou, author of the study, said: “Consumption of foods rich in nitrates - in our case beetroot - leads to positive changes in the microbiome system in the mouth. The microbiome is the group of microbes that live in the body and coexist with it.

Much research has been done on the benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, but little research has been done on its counterpart in the mouth. The microbiome system in the mouth plays a critical role in activating the uptake of nitrates from vegetables.

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