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Pennsylvania Governor Gives Vaccinated State Employees 5 Days Paid Leave

 In an effort to encourage employees to receive the Corona vaccine, the administration of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe announced today, Monday, that it will provide 5 days of paid vacation to employees if they are fully vaccinated against Corona, by the end of this year, according to the Associated Press.

According to the agency, there are more than 70,000 employees working on the territory of Pennsylvania, and they are eligible for this incentive.

Wolff's management stated in an email to employees that "vaccination leave" is available to employees between December 20 and March 31, and that an employee who has already been vaccinated will automatically be granted an additional 5 days of leave.

Wolff's administration already offers its employees a day off with pay to get a shot of the vaccine, and the department told employees, "This leave will help stimulate vaccinations that protect Pennsylvania employees, as well as the citizens we serve."

On Friday, Wolff tweeted that the vaccination rate in Pennsylvania shows that about 72% of adults in Pennsylvania are fully vaccinated.

Wolff's management stated in an email to employees that "vaccination leave" is available to employees between December 20 and March 31, and that an employee who has already been vaccinated will automatically be granted an additional 5 days of leave.

Wolff's administration already offers its employees a day off with pay to get a shot of the vaccine, and the department told employees, "This leave will help stimulate vaccinations that protect Pennsylvania employees, as well as the citizens we serve."

On Friday, Wolff tweeted that the vaccination rate in Pennsylvania shows that about 72% of adults in Pennsylvania are fully vaccinated.

Several states have offered different types of vaccine incentives to their residents throughout the vaccination period, including sweepstakes raffles. In June, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice announced that guns would be given as a vaccine incentive.

Last month, Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz said that vaccinated teens will be able to get a $200 gift card through November.

President Joe Biden has been supportive of state stimulus initiatives and programs, and in July, the president instructed state and local governments to use money from the $1.9 trillion rescue plan to make $100 payments to citizens to promote vaccination.

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