tips for having shapely buttocks

 Beautiful and plump buttocks are the dream of many women (and men!), Especially as the sunny days approach. Unfortunately, Christmas and New Years meals, parties of all kinds, and upcoming Easter chocolates don't really help you get back in shape. Very simple solutions can then be very useful to you.

Summer is approaching and many are taking the opportunity to (re) engage in sport to slim down, build muscle or simply spend more time outdoors. Generally, getting a shapely buttocks is one of the goals that new athletes set for themselves. Fortunately, there are some simple and effective tips. To begin with, you have to know what constitutes the buttocks. There are 3 muscles: the gluteus maximus at the top, the gluteus medius outward and the gluteus maximus. The latter gives the much sought-after rounded appearance. The other two mainly tone the hips.

  • 1. Treat your buttocks before, during and after the shower

To have a beautiful buttocks, you have to take care of it. This makes sense. In the shower, a scrub helps limit cellulite. Note that essential oils can also help fight orange peel. Always massage the skin from bottom to top in circles. After a shower, it is recommended to run a jet of cold water on the buttocks. This helps to firm the tissues. This is also true for the thighs and stomach.

  • 2. Proteins, a great ally

Everything (or almost) goes through a good diet. To build your buttocks or another part of the body, you need protein. Fish and white meats are assets. Obviously, you shouldn't eat just that, fruits and vegetables are essential for a balanced diet. You have to read the packaging carefully to avoid saturated fat. These are synonymous with flabby buttocks because they promote the storage of fatty substances.

  • 3. Walk for the sake of your butt

Before embarking on complex physical exercises, you should know that walking is an excellent way to build your buttocks. But it must be done correctly. With each step, you have to push on your heels. The legs should also unfurl well for better efficiency. Also, going up the stairs helps build muscle effort. Just by walking, the buttocks and the back of the thighs become more muscular.

  • 4.60 seconds per day

To make more progress quickly, you have to resolve to do targeted exercises. These do not require any particular material. The so-called “chair” exercise is highly recommended. With your back to the wall, just go down until you form a right angle between your thighs and your back. The idea, then, is to make an imaginary chair. This short 60-second exercise should be repeated daily.

  • 5. A series of cross slits

With a little more time, other exercises are easily done at home. Like the cross slits. The exercise is started standing with your feet apart and your hands on your hips. Then the right leg should stretch out to the side before passing behind the left leg by bending the knees. The feet should be aligned and the angles of the knees should be straight. Finally, just climb back up and come back to your starting position before starting again on the other side. Each set is made up of 10 movements and should be repeated 4 times with one minute rest intervals between each.

  • 6. The rubber band, the secret of concrete muscles

This accessory is very easily found in sports stores. There are several uses for working the buttocks properly, such as extending the hips to the floor. Initially, you should be lying on your left side, your left arm extended to the ground, your head resting on it, your right hand on the ground and the elastic band connected to both ankles. We flex both feet and raise the right leg until it pulls too much and stay at that height for 3 seconds before slowly coming back down. A series of 12 (6 on the right, 6 on the left) repeated 3 times seems a good start.

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