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US Supreme Court tends to oppose controversial abortion law

 The US Supreme Court tends to block a law in the conservative state of Texas that limits a woman's right to abortion, with about six justices, both progressive and conservative, moving to object to the controversial law, according to AFP.

The law adopted by Texas Republican lawmakers in May bans abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy, even in cases of incest or rape, while critics argue that this deadline is short because many women do not realize they are pregnant.

The law mandates citizens “exclusively” to implement it, by encouraging them to pursue civil prosecutions against persons and organizations that assist women to abort after the sixth week of pregnancy.

The law states that these citizens will receive, if successful, $10,000. Opponents of this law see it as a "reward for slander".

Four of the court's nine justices (the three progressives and Chief Justice John Roberts) have already indicated that they want to freeze this law that significantly limits the right of Texas women to terminate pregnancy, AFP said.

Two of their fellow conservatives, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Connie Barrett, who were appointed by former President Donald Trump, have expressed skepticism about the new law mechanism, which delegates law enforcement to private citizens.

Progressive judge Elena Kagan said sarcastically at the "genius" who devised this mechanism.

Kavanaugh expressed concern about the "implications for other constitutional rights." In particular, he asked, "Is it possible to pass a law that allows demanding millions of dollars from anyone who owns an IR-15?"

"Six justices seem to question the system created in Texas," tweeted Neil Katial, a prominent attorney who often represented the Obama administration before the Supreme Court.

Ten other states adopted similar laws as Texas, but all were thrown out in court because they violated Supreme Court jurisprudence.

Pro- and anti-abortion demonstrators gathered in Washington in front of the courthouse on Monday, carrying contradictory banners reading "Abortion is necessary" or "Let their hearts beat."

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