Celine Dion was forced to cancel her comeback

 While Celine Dion was forced to cancel her comeback on stage in Las Vegas on October 19, scheduled for early November for health reasons, she worries her fans. If the singer remains particularly discreet, her older sister, Claudette Dion, gave the news.

"We are not worried," explained the eldest star to TVA news, a Quebec television channel, specifying that there was no question of hiding anything about the state of health of the performer of "So that you still love me". “If it had been extremely serious we would know. The speech is not not to talk about it because it is more serious than you hear: it is not that at all the speech ", she added, wanting to be reassuring. "We know that she is well surrounded, she is intelligent and we are not worried," she hammered.


Since the announcement of the cancellation of her concerts due to "muscle spasms", as she said in a press release, Celine Dion has for her part chosen not to speak and seems above all to need rest after Claude Dion.

“I think she's pushed a little hard and her muscles are talking to her. Céline wants to give more than the machine allows. This isn't the first time this has happened to him. She needs to take short days off, learn to listen to herself and not push her machine too hard, "Here reports.

Known for her perfectionism and her spectacular shows during which Celine Dion never spares her efforts, the 53-year-old singer seems to want to listen to her body this time. She explained on October 19 on her Instagram account that she had to focus "on (her) health to get better quickly ... I want to get out of it as quickly as possible", she said.

Saddened by this situation, Celine Dion had confided "to be heartbroken" by this cancellation and explained to be "sorry to disappoint all the fans who had planned to come to Las Vegas".

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